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2.5x2.5 Magnets

2.5x2.5 Magnets

Custom 2.5x2.5 magnets allow you to steer above the competition with their exact square shape. High quality printed square magnets are perfect for showcasing special or typical business announcements as well as making special personal announcements. Seeking benefits of full-color imprinting option, you can easily make your business messages perform better over these magnets. Free art setup and free online design proof offered on all orders.

Showing (6) Products
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Round Corner(1)

Square Corner(5)
2.5x2.5 Custom Magnets 20 Mil Round Corners
as low as $0.094
250 Magnets for $123.75

Square Corner(5)

Round Corner(1)
2.5x2.5 Custom Magnets 20 Mil Square Corners
as low as $0.094
250 Magnets for $123.75
2.5x2.5 Customized Indoor Magnets 30 Mil Square Corners
as low as $0.154
100 Magnets for $93.30
2.5x2.5 Custom Magnets - Outdoor & Car Magnets 30 Mil Square Corners
as low as $0.198
100 Magnets for $99.20
2.5x2.5 Customized Indoor Magnets 40 Mil Square Corners
as low as $0.216
250 Magnets for $321.75
2.5x2.5 Custom Magnets - Outdoor & Car Magnets 40 Mil Square Corners
as low as $0.277
250 Magnets for $342.50

Promotional 2.5x 2.5 square or round edge magnets make any simple or complex messages look adorable with their square and dominating character. Be it a tradeshow or a regular in-store promotion, you can easily bowl a prospective customer by handing them these magnets. We offer great savings on bulk orders of these magnets, which makes the most eligible promotional giveaway during mass events such as tradeshows, street fairs, community programs, sports day events, or any other occasion. We offer tailored pricing benefits to make it affordable for all types of marketers.

Custom square magnets – 2.5x 2.5 are always in stock due to their high demand. You can either hand out these magnets as introduction tokens or acknowledgement tokens ( by imprinting it with thank you messages) or personal invitation ( announcing your birthday or graduation ) or as a coupon. It is perfect for individual gifting as well as business mailing.

Do you wish to know about how others have fared through competition by getting their messages over these square custom magnets, feel free to contact our team at 855-762-4638 or write to us at
