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Model #: CM517840

3.5x2 Imprinted Religious Business Card Magnets 20 Mil

as low as: $0.074(for 25000+ Qty)
Laminated / Glossy
Unit Price
100 - 249
250 - 499
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500 - 999
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1000 - 2499
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2500 - 4999
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5000 - 9999
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X $0.46
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Time to Print img:
Production Time includes time required to produce and print this product
2-4 Business Days
* Production time may vary depending on the art approval.
Free Virtual Proof Within Just 2 Business Hours * *Monday to Friday, 8 AM - 5 PM EST. Requests after 3 PM will be processed the next business day.

Description & Specifications

Art Requirements

Description & Specifications

3.5x2 Imprinted Religious Business Card Magnets 20 Mil

3.5x2 imprinted religious business card magnets 20 Mil will remind viewers about their spiritual responsibilities and their duties towards church, faMily and society they live in. These personalized church magnets are usually ordered by churches, prayer services and other spiritual services to spread word about Christianity or send spiritual messages. They have been taking advantage of our free full color printing to maximize the impact. Our prices will take care of your branding. Order today to get started with these personalized magnets at the earliest.

Request a quote to know discounts that you can avail on bulk ordering these 3.5x2 personalized religious business card magnets 20 Mil.

Product Size: 3.5 in. x 2 in.
Minimum Quantity: 100
Thickness: 20 Mil
Made In: USA

Art Requirements

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