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* In the contiguous USA & Excludes large magnetic signs.
3.5x3 Magnets

3.5x3 Magnets

Custom 3.5x3 magnets are the one for you, if wishing to be taken seriously. Custom magnets trigger enthusiasm in any onlooker and when coupled with colorful & indulging graphics, they end up becoming a prominent fixture over the refrigerator and car doors.  No hidden charges. You pay what you see on the screen! Made in USA using high quality resourced materials and possesses strong magnetic backing. Lead- free.

Showing (6) Products
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Round Corner(3)

Square Corner(3)
3.5x3 Customized Magnets 20 Mil Round Corners
as low as $0.165
100 Magnets for $88.50
3.5x3 Promotional Rectangle Shaped Indoor Magnets 30 Mil Round Corners
as low as $0.209
100 Magnets for $100.40
3.5x3 Custom Magnets - Outdoor & Car Magnets 30 Mil Round Corners
as low as $0.319
100 Magnets for $104.00

Square Corner(3)

Round Corner(3)
3.5x3 Customized Magnets 20 Mil Square Corners
as low as $0.165
100 Magnets for $88.50
3.5x3 Promotional Rectangle Shaped Indoor Magnets 30 Mil Square Corners
as low as $0.221
100 Magnets for $220.40
3.5x3 Custom Magnets - Outdoor & Car Magnets 30 Mil Square Corners
as low as $0.331
100 Magnets for $224.00

Personalized magnets are sure to add dimension to your campaign with their shape. You can employ them for increasing your accessibility or drawing customers to your business with special business information. Individuals, who wish to make some great announcement of their life such as graduation, wedding, engagement, birthday, or anniversary announcements, can seek these magnets. When the event or occasion passes, these magnets are retained as a symbol of pride and a memoir over refrigerator doors or other visible spaces within the home.

Full color imprinting allows marketers and individuals to get creative over these magnets. With so much advancement in printing technologies, marketers can easily select colors as per their personal tastes and branding themes. You can seek great discounts by bulk ordering these magnets from us.

If you wish to make an impact during the next tradeshow or marketing opportunity, feel free to invest in these magnets. Even if you are eyeing a successful mailing campaign, don’t hesitate to invest in these magnets because they are perfect for sending mailers.

Do you want to know benefits of investing in this large custom 3.5 x 3 rectangle magnets, feel free to call us at 855-762-4638 or mail us at
