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Model #: CM516640

3.5x9 Custom One Team Minnesota Team Football Schedule Birds Care House Shape Magnets 20 Mil

as low as: $0.385(for 50000+ Qty)
Magnet Type:
Laminated / Glossy
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100 - 249
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X $1.222
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* In the contiguous USA
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Production Time includes time required to produce and print this product
2-4 Business Days

Description & Specifications

Art Requirements

Description & Specifications

3.5x9 Custom One Team Minnesota Team Football Schedule Birds Care House Shape Magnets 20 Mil

Bird care is a concern, which is dearer to every Minnesotan and it has paved way for peaked competition in bird care services, who are seeking unique ways for promotion. Custom 3.5 x 9 inch one team Minnesota Team football schedule birds care house shaped magnets are leading our sales charts because bird care services are buying them largely. This magnet helps them to address many sports frenzy fans and hidden bird care service seekers at a go. During season people will treat it - as a sports information seeker and as a refrigerator art, bird care services business card and a sports memorabilia - post season.

Product Size: 3.5 in. x 9 in.
Minimum Quantity: 100
Thickness: 20 Mil
Made In: USA
Delivery Time: Based on the mode of shipping chosen

Art Requirements

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