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Model #: CM512135

3.75x6.12 Custom Printed House Shape Magnets 20 Mil

as low as: $0.28 $0.23(for 50000+ Qty)
Laminated / Glossy
Unit Price
50 - 99
100 - 249
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250 - 499
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500 - 999
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1000 - 2499
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2500 - 4999
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X $1.782
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Production Time includes time required to produce and print this product
2-4 Business Days
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Description & Specifications

Art Requirements

Description & Specifications

3.75x6.12 Custom Printed House Shape Magnets 20 Mil

Whether you sell, buy, build or restore houses, this custom 3.75 x 6.12 house shape full color magnet will ensure that you are in the house, whenever your client need you the most! It also serves other real estate marketers who have been trying hard to stay up with their customers. Offering brilliant space for imprinting business messages, it also admiringly transforms into a mighty refrigerator art. People may or may not buy it from you immediately, but they may retain it as an amusement token, giving you a chance in long run.

Request a quote on price savings wholesale personalized magnetic refrigerator calendar.

Product size – 3.5 x 4, Thickness – 20 MIL

Product Size: 3.75 in. x 6.12 in.
Minimum Quantity: 50
Thickness: 20 Mil
Made In: USA

Art Requirements

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