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* In the contiguous USA & Excludes large magnetic signs.
Model #: CM5113152

4.5x8.5 Customized Indoor Magnets 40 Mil Square Corners

as low as: $0.878(for 10000+ Qty)
Laminated / Glossy
Unit Price
250 - 499
500 - 999
Save 17%
1000 - 2499
Save 38%
2500 - 4999
Save 52%
5000 - 9999
Save 56%
Save 57%
X $2.046
NewTotal Price:
Time to Print img:
Production Time includes time required to produce and print this product
2-4 Business Days
Free Virtual Proof Within Just 2 Business Hours * *Monday to Friday, 8 AM - 5 PM EST. Requests after 3 PM will be processed the next business day.

Description & Specifications

Art Requirements

Description & Specifications

4.5x8.5 Customized Indoor Magnets 40 Mil Square Corners

4.5x8.5 Customized Indoor Magnets 40 Mil Square Corners will perform well if you are making them appealing to your target users. In case your target customers are sports fans then make these custom rectangle magnets imprinted with schedules of that teams matches and is your customers are food lovers then include quick recipes or images or attractive and eye-popping dishes. Our free full-color printing and free digital design assistance will help. Make sure you are placing the personalized magnets order right away.

Request a quote to know what you can save on ordering 4.5x8.5 Customized Indoor Magnets 40 Mil Square Corners.

Product Size: 4.5 in. x 8.5 in.
Minimum Quantity: 250
Thickness: 40 Mil
Made In: USA
Production Time: 2-4 Business Days
Delivery time is based on the shipping method selected.

Art Requirements

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