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Model #: CM512544

4x7 Custom Religious Holiday Magnets 20 Mil Round Corners

as low as: $0.38(for 10000+ Qty)
Laminated / Glossy
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50 - 99
100 - 249
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250 - 499
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2500 - 4999
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X $1.145
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2-4 Business Days
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Description & Specifications

Art Requirements

Description & Specifications

4x7 Custom Religious Holiday Magnets 20 Mil Round Corners

Getting people to visit the church regularly can be tedious, but still you can remind them through these 4x7 custom religious holiday magnets 20 Mil round corners. Many churches are investing in local newspapers to get their information out to the public, but they are not reliable anymore. These personalized magnets will help them to spread word about the church. You can give away these full color custom printed religious and church magnets to grow your church outreach more efficiently and cost effectively. Order today to get started with these personalized magnets.

Request a quote to know what you may save on bulk orders of these 4x7 personalized religious holiday magnets 20 Mil round corners.

Product Size: 4 in. x 7 in.
Minimum Quantity: 50
Thickness: 20 Mil
Made In: USA

Art Requirements

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