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5x1.5 Magnets

5x1.5 Magnets

Custom 5x1.5 magnets are just perfect to announce “ We are here to serve you” and you can never go wrong with them. Made from high quality magnetic resources, these personalized rectangle magnets are sure to stick for long. Offered in three thickness sizes – 20 MIL, 25 MIL, and 35 Mil, you can easily have a choice depending on your purpose. You can save on  customization, art set up, and efforts because their prices are inclusive. No hidden charges added.

Showing (4) Products
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Round Corner(3)

5x1.5 Custom Magnets 20 Mil Round Corners
as low as $0.121
100 Magnets for $81.30
5x1.5 Customized Indoor Magnets 30 Mil Round Corners
as low as $0.154
100 Magnets for $93.30
5x1.5 Custom Magnets - Outdoor & Car Magnets 30 Mil Round Corners
as low as $0.198
100 Magnets for $99.20

Personalized rectangle magnets 5x 1.5 have been successfully involved during many high profile campaigns announcing a new venture, driving seasonal sales, building awareness, etc. In addition, many marketers have involved it for sending holiday messages or bulk mailers with a confidence and success. We offer free full color imprint option along with these custom magnets and marketers can reap maximum benefits from it.

However, some may argue that this size is smaller to make any impact during outdoor campaigns, but that is not true. You can reap maximum benefits by getting it customized with graphics and messages in brighter tones. Bulk orders are appreciable and we offer great savings on such orders. You can always order them in time for your next tradeshow, or promotional event. You can receive a free corporate branding package with this offer. This means you can save on artwork, customization, and online design proof!

Most people love receiving small promotional gifts and don’t mind sharing the news with others. High quality promotional gifts can stir positivity in their minds, which means, if you are offering these promotional magnets, you are sure to receive brownie points. If you wish to know more about its promotional impact, imprint possibilities, savings and other things, you can always call us at 855-762-4638 or write to us at
