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8.5x.75 Square or Round Edge Magnets

8.5x.75 Square or Round Edge Magnets

8.5 x .75 square or round edge magnets make a great promotional choice for marketers who are targeting long term campaigns from one time investment.  Save on free art setup, free online design proof and free artwork assistance. 

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Square Corner(3)

8.5x.75 Custom Magnets 20 Mil Square Corners
as low as $0.133
100 Magnets for $201.30
8.5x.75 Customized Indoor Magnets 40 Mil Square Corners
as low as $0.228
250 Magnets for $441.75
8.5x.75 Custom Magnets - Outdoor & Car Magnets 40 Mil Square Corners
as low as $0.289
250 Magnets for $462.50

8.5 x .75 custom magnets are perfect for making announcements and expressing your sentiments. It is not necessary that - you install huge billboards in the city centers to stir conversation about your business or splurge millions to become a successful brand name or push them hard to buy your products through various gimmicks. However, it is necessary that you acknowledge your customers regularly and this can be easily done through custom rectangle magnets 8.5 x .75 offered in 20 MIL (refrigerator magnets) & 35 Mil (car magnets).

If you believe giving something extra would work for business, then you are right because it definitely works. If you believe in reciprocity, then you can always abide by these custom rectangle magnets 8.5 x .75. With its high quality construction and strong magnetic backing, you can expect it to last longer. People always think of a brand or a person, who took efforts to acknowledge their efforts with a high quality gift. By offering this high quality personalized magnet, you are actually making them to think about your brand, when they open their fridge door or car door. You can always remain at the top of their minds by gifting these custom rectangle magnets. Perfect for distribution during tradeshows, in-store promotions and other mass events. In addition, you can send it as a festive mailer or promotional mailer to your targeted customers and loyalists during the particular time of the year.

Do you wish to know more about promotional magnets 8.5 x.75, feel free to contact our team at 855-762-4638 or write to us at
