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8x5 Square or Round Edge Magnets

8x5 Square or Round Edge Magnets

8x5 square or round edge magnets have become a choice for marketers who are trying to coax their customers hard to buy their products or invest in their services. It also suits individuals who are trying to send save the dates, making birthday announcements, anniversary announcements or for pledging their support for an awareness cause. Save on art setup, online design proof and artwork assistance. Wholesale custom 8x5 rectangle magnets are worth trying due to great savings associated with them.

Showing (3) Products
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Square Corner(3)

8x5 Custom Magnets 20 Mil Square Corners
as low as $0.352
100 Magnets for $111.20
8x5 Custom Indoor Magnets 30 Mil Square Corners
as low as $0.627
250 Magnets for $341.00
8x5 Custom Magnets - Outdoor & Car Magnets 30 Mil Square Corners
as low as $0.913
250 Magnets for $349.25

8x5 square or round edge magnets allow marketers to get a little closer to their customers without annoying or displeasing them. Today with increasing niche competition marketers are forced to look out for mediums, which are demanding, boring and expensive. These made in USA custom rectangle magnets 5x8 allow marketers to get closer to their customers and become “apple of their eye.” Perfect for gifting during any mass events, in-store promotions, individual celebrations as well as sending promotional mailers! 5x8 real estate magnets 20 MIL are largely ordered for real estate marketers to promote their business.

Unlike other campaigns, marketers have the wealthy palette of colors to select from and they can use multiple colors for promoting their brand information. We offer free full color printing for the benefit of marketers who want to go colorful with their branding. Additionally, if they think that existing colors are not sufficient, they can seek PMS color matching at slightly higher costs. Only sky is the limit, when it comes to digital printing over these custom magnets.

To know more about custom magnets 5x8 and their promotional aspects, feel free to contact us at 855-762-4638 or write to us at
