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8x6 Square or Round Edge Magnets

8x6 Square or Round Edge Magnets

8x6 square or round edge magnets are perfect to stick your business information around homes and cars so that people don’t miss it, whenever they require it. Great for imprinting coupons, menus, business calendars, baby announcements, save the dates, and more.. Get ready to experience a good season in business and personal relationships over these custom magnets.

Showing (3) Products
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Square Corner(3)

8x6 Custom Magnets 20 Mil Square Corners
as low as $0.631
100 Magnets for $83.70
8x6 Customized Indoor Magnets 30 Mil Square Corners
as low as $0.924
50 Magnets for $77.25
8x6 Custom Magnets - Outdoor & Car Magnets 30 Mil Square Corners
as low as $1.133
250 Magnets for $341.00

8x6 rectangle magnets are the ones, you would require to convert your plain brand information to full- fledged campaigns. What if you could become a new -age Monet and Shakespeare, for your campaign without fear of overdoing it and bearing additional expenses? We can help you with it without overdoing or overspending it! You can avail benefits of our free artwork assistance, PMS color match, free art set up, free full color printing, and free online design proof.

There are times, when marketers expect, if they could go completely American with their campaigns. Here is a time, when they can easily fulfill their dreams by availing these custom rectangle magnets 6x8 – made in USA. These promotional magnets strictly respect American work traditions and follow all quality control measures. Being lead-free, they are perfect for acknowledging a large demographic consisting of young kids to senior citizens. Marketers expecting to attract customers are largely ordering 6x8 round corners full color magnet.

We offer 6x8 rectangle custom magnets in three stock sizes – 0.020”, 0.025”, and 0.035”, thereby making them affordable for individuals in all budget sizes. 8x6 custom rectangle fridge magnets (0.020 & 0.025) and rectangle car magnets (0.035) are a sure hit and we keep fulfilling orders from different parts of USA.

Do you aim to attract customers from all over USA? Take a note of these custom rectangle magnets 8x6 through a constructive angle. Feel free to contact us at 855-762-4638 or write to us at
