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8x7.5 Square or Round Edge Magnets

8x7.5 Square or Round Edge Magnets

8x7.5 square or round edge magnets make a fantastic brand reminder and marketers don’t need to take any extra effort to make their brand information acceptable to everyone. We offer these nearly square 7.5 x8 custom magnets in three thick stock sizes – 35 Mil, 25 MIL, and 20 MIL, fit for all types of indoor and outdoor advertising.  These magnets are lead free, safe and made in USA.

Showing (3) Products
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Square Corner(3)

8x7.5 Custom Magnets 20 Mil Square Corners
as low as $0.985
50 Magnets for $80.00
8x7.5 Custom Indoor Magnets 30 Mil Square Corners
as low as $1.309
50 Magnets for $106.35
8x7.5 Custom Magnets - Outdoor & Car Magnets 30 Mil Square Corners
as low as $1.545
50 Magnets for $125.50

8x 7.5 square or round edge magnets is going to be your savior during the next campaign because people would instantly take liking for them. Undoubtedly, they are also going to discuss about this large magnet with their friends and family, giving new boost to your efforts. Just imagine how wonderful it would be to know that your brand information is seen, heard or appreciated by your loyal customers every day. Whoa! Actually you are going to save on advertising costs, isn’t it?!

If you believe it is difficult to sculpt winning brand portraits without shelling out millions of dollars. You are wrong because we are offering free corporate branding package with our orders and it involves free art setup, free full color printing, free digital design proof and free artwork assistance. This branding package allows marketers to get their branding portraits done professionally without racking the mullah.

Every occasion counts, when you are starting new in the niche, isn’t it? You can make the most of next available opportunity by handing out large imprinted rectangle magnets 7.5x8 to your customers. It is best for making impressions during tradeshows, business conventions, or regular in-store promotions. If you gift it as a complement with purchases during any busy business day, it is definitely going to bring you long-term results.

Feel free to contact us at 855-762-4638 or write to us at to discuss about this promotional magnet.
