Free shipping is back on all custom magnets. Use CouponFREESHIP2025
* In the contiguous USA & Excludes large magnetic signs.

The niche competitions are intensifying each year, due to changing consumer expectations. Companies are forced to promote their products with more vengeance. For winning the niche competition, advertisers need to wage value added campaigns, which offer them reliability and easy visibility. You can see many companies investing vast amount of money for promoting their business through imprinted leaflets and have no visibility because they are placed inside closed spaces such as drawers and shelves and are rarely perceived. If your promotional tools offer life long visibility and some utility value then there are fewer chances of them being thrown away. Promotional magnets or advertising magnets are the only thing, which allows you to remain in customer’s memory for a long time. They also offer high utility value against all odds.

picture frame magnets

Magnetic advertising is cost effective and it helps to build bridges between consumers and businesses. Following are some of the characteristics of promotional magnets, which make them superior over other promotional tools -

Versatility- Advertising magnets are generally offered as indoor magnets and outdoor magnets. Indoor magnets or refrigerator magnets are one among the most favored of the lot because they are targeted on home audience. These magnets are generally affixed over doors of refrigerator, work cubicles, tables, etc. Reports indicate that, an average user opens and closes the refrigerator door at least 20 times a day and go near it almost couple of more times. The plus point of fridge magnet is that it not only attracts a unique customer, but also impresses other onlookers. Calendar magnets, business card magnets, picture frame magnets, sports schedule magnets, awareness magnets, church magnets are some of the popular refrigerator magnets favored by advertisers.

Outdoor Magnets or car magnets are generally utilized for outdoor promotions. Car magnets are powerful than regular billboards because they are being seen by more people. Also, unlike billboards or hoardings these magnetic stickers will remain in use unless and until the car owner decides to peel them off. These magnets offer lifetime returns in favor of one time investment. Magnetic car signs and outdoor magnets are the most favored of this lot.

Dynamism- Today, the magnetic printing has come to an age where it is possible to create magnets in any shape, size or form. The best thing is that there is a magnet for each niche market. Everyone right from big scale advertisers to start up businesses or even non-profit organizations can choose to express through these magnetic stickers. Custom die cut magnets and custom shaped magnets are considered highlights of magnetic advertising.

Affordability – Televised commercials, billboards and hoardings are always considered elite and are favored by high profile advertisers because they require large investments. However, magnetic stickers can bring same effects within constrained budget. This makes all the difference and also it can be favored by advertisers or all genres.

Advertisers can achieve more benefits from magnetic advertising than any other promotional medium because it offers them benefits to the last penny of investment. If you have never tried it then it’s high time that you seek it with all might.
