Free shipping is back on all custom magnets. Use CouponFREESHIP2025
* In the contiguous USA & Excludes large magnetic signs.

Businesses around the world have always strived to deliver their best and to address customers through unique acknowledgement gifts. Nowadays, businesses understand the importance of choosing right product for gifting by staying within low budget. The search for perfect gifting products has veered them towards magnetic advertising. Magnetic advertising allows them to market business and gift at the same time. Custom photo magnets are one of the most sought after choices for gifting and promotions.

Picture Frame Magnets
Custom photo magnets are cost effective and offer productive results to brand and customers. Here are some of the ways in which businesses and customers can put them to best use–

Business Promotions – Advertisers can make best use of the magnetic picture frame as a business promotion tool. They can get it customized with their brand symbols prior to offering it as a gift. They can choose magnets in specific themes, colors, shapes, and messages to suit their marketing pitch. This will definitely help to raise the brand visibility with fewer efforts.

Home Décor- Customers who receive these magnets as a part of business gift or personal gift can always try to utilize it for elevating the look and feel of their living room. The magnetic photo frames are generally affixed over refrigerator doors, but they also look good over cubicles, metallic doors, kid’s lockers, etc.

Personal/Business Invitations – Businesses and customers both can make use of this tool to send out personal invitations. People can offer them as an invitation magnet or to say save the date magnets. They can be utilized to announce a wedding, baby shower, graduation party, or some other event in the family. People who receive this invitation will always make it a point to keep it affixed over visible spaces and will remember the event with fondness. Similarly advertisers can utilize this magnetic token to announce their offering or some office inaugurations. People will definitely make it a point to the event and will preserve this token as the goodwill gift until the time they can actually manage it.

Toy – If the advertisers want to coax the customers to buy their products, then it is always recommended to work through kids. They can hand over some memorable or useful toys to kids in the form of framed cartoon characters or some useful sayings, which creates a distinct impact on their mind. Gifting a custom photo magnet suitably personalized with brand symbols, and kid friendly matter will definitely help businesses who are craving for easy attention at low budget with fewer efforts.

Magnetic advertising items such as calendar magnets, business card magnets, and custom shaped magnets are constrained by functional limitations, whereas it is not the same with custom photo magnets. It all depends on how anyone wishes to utilize them. This means only sky is the limit for advertising or gifting these picture frame magnets and no one can go wrong with it.
