Free shipping is back on all custom magnets. Use CouponFREESHIP2025
* In the contiguous USA & Excludes large magnetic signs.

Until some years back, postcards were considered the most dependable source of communication. People were eager to have one such card from their near and dear ones. In this web 2.0 era no one have time to wait for these postcards and almost end up talking on phones or through INTERNET. In this era of jet sonic planes, and fast powered internet lines, even advertisers are forced to find new medium of conversation. As a result they have started reinventing olden memories through postcard magnets, which have magnets affixed on their back. These postcards are beneficial to business due to their cost-effectiveness, when compared to regular paper postcards.

peel postcard announcement magnets

Until you might be familiar with promotional tools such as posters, hoardings, etc, but postcard magnets are nice change from them. Even advertisers tried to resurrect this old of communication through bulk mailers, but people often trashed them as a waste. Now, same set of advertisers can try to function through magnetic postcards and see the difference. People will seldom throw it to trash due to its design and affixation property.

These magnetic stickers or postcards are offered in high-quality material and can be customized with any suitable brand specific information. Also, advertisers can experiment with shapes such as square or rectangle and improve its visibility by including a business card. The size of post card is often standardized to fit user hands and the contents are added to impress viewers at the first go.

Images or background included in the postcard magnets hold high sentimental value. It’s a general fact that an apt image is always best to attract a viewer. They can be anything right from the product you want to promote or images of some winning moments in business. They can work better than long-advertising phrases or quotations often used to attract a viewer. It is also possible to add your personal photos so that people feel a personal attachment towards the brand.

As said before, postcard magnets are rarely refused by customers and they love have them displayed at visible places. These are usually displayed at locations like refrigerator doors, doorways of home, over tables at office etc. When people get these tools, they will be encouraged keep on buying from the brand. Every time they look at this magnet hanging from door, they will think about the brand, which has gifted them for their loyalty. Promotion of your business does not end here because people will often discuss about these special gifts to their close ones with big pride

If you have not yet considered promoting through these magnets, then it’s extremely high time to work through them. All you need to do is go to any reputed stores and make your choices. We wish you a happy advertising through post card magnets.
