Free shipping is back on all custom magnets. Use CouponFREESHIP2025
* In the contiguous USA & Excludes large magnetic signs.

Custom magnets are promotional tools made just for advertising and they can be used for promoting new products and services. These are called “custom” because advertisers can control their shape and other aspects. Read through this magnet to understand what makes them special-

Quality -Custom magnets are often printed on a high quality, magnetic vinyl plate in variant size and styles. Business card magnets, calendar magnets and car magnets are some of customized magnets that are used for promotion.

Easy Creation – Manufacture of custom magnets is an easy three-step process. You can go to any reputed online magnet store decide the shape, select the image or text and then place order for these magnets.

Some websites offer easy customization through pre-designed templates. Advertiser can select any apt template for promotion. Also, they can seek monochrome or multi-colored pattern for customization. The magnet can be created in general shapes like square; rectangle etc or they can be customized in shapes of vegetables and vehicles etc. The size of magnet is also variable and it can range from 2” to 24”inches depending on the target audience and promotional medium.

Once the template has been selected you can start adding your photos and text. You have freedom to select the contents to be included in these magnets. Advertisers can choose to put their photos or photos of some winning moments in magnets, so as to get better reputation from users. If magnet contains images of their product or company, then the advertisement becomes more meaningful. People cannot ignore such promotions due to its lively approach. Care should be taken to avoid complex contents and designs to your promotions.

Other promotional tools may tear after some time, but these new promotional magnets can be placed over refrigerator doors, vehicles and restaurants etc.

Easy Delivery –Handing out custom magnets is not a tiresome task. Special shows, sports, schools, colleges, seminars are events, which are attended by large number of people. Advertisers can choose to hand over these magnets during such occasions because the crowd is often made up of enthusiasts, and potential buyers.

The above mentioned properties make custom magnets more favorable and easier advertising tool.
