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* In the contiguous USA & Excludes large magnetic signs.
What happens if a customer fails to access your contact information in time? Obviously they will seek the services of the next person in line. Or consider the scenario in which a customer, though accepted your business card, may forget about you and your brand at the moment of a potential purchase. This type of situation can be avoided by handing out a magnetic business card because it offers high visibility against all odds. This is the reason, why business card magnets have found easy popularity.
Magnetic Business Cards

Advantages of Seeking Magnetic Business Cards

As every businessmen wish to seek a promotional tool, which gives him a distinct lead. Following are some of the perks associated with magnetic business cards -

Traditionalism – A business card magnet is an amalgamation of traditional methodologies and modern business ethics. These business cards are offered in the typical shape of traditional visiting cards. They can be affixed on any metal surface; that’s what makes them different from other traditional cards. Advertisements or promotions should be made visible to get maximum results. Business cards, though most of the times they contain only the brand name and contact information, serve as a primary tool of promotion. Magnetic visiting cards, printed in multi-color formats and in attractive designs, make an artifact or tool for decorating office cabinets or home refrigerators.

Ease of Handing Out -Magnetic business cards are distributed in the same manner as paper cards. These cards can be offered with some purchases or as a combo with other business gifts such as magnetic calendars, paper holders, magnetic notepads and etc. If attached to such useful products, people will look at the business card. This is the indirect method of inviting the attention of people over your business.

Variety - Magnetic business cards come in personalized shapes. They can be manufactured to resemble a logo of the brand or business theme, to facilitate effective visual communication. When in need the customer may not search cards and read the information in detail to reach out to you, but a custom shaped business card will make information more receptive and easier to conceptualize.

For a change, you can also choose to offer a business card calendar magnet or a business card postcard magnet.

If you are a newbie, then you may definitely try working on customer minds through these magnetic business cards. A brand can’t insist that all the customers use their product alone; still they can try to stir the brand consciousness within them. Business cards can be employed for doing the same job in a more successful way. A full color, laminated card is a long term investment and it will never fail in its purpose!
