Free shipping is back on all custom magnets. Use CouponFREESHIP2025
* In the contiguous USA & Excludes large magnetic signs.

Most of us refer to a calendar several times in a day to confirm dates, fix schedules or to mark important occasions. We feel very much helpless, when we don’t find a calendar within reach. Today, the times have advanced to the point that you can have calendars in the mobile too. Mobile calendars are pretty good in reference, but are not readily available at all times. In such condition, people can run to their kitchens and get their dates clarified from the calendar affixed against a refrigerator door. Yes, we are talking about calendar magnets!

Personalized Calendar Magnets
We have seen that brands are always in search of a product that helps them to advertise their products in the best possible way. Unlike yesteryears, customers cannot be exploited with any useless branding gifts. Thus, in this context, custom magnets have gained importance and popularity due to their double sided benefits.

What makes Personalized Calendar Magnets Unique?

Following are some of the points, which work in favor of personalized calendar magnets-

Makes a great gifting item -Personalized calendar magnets have double sided benefits, this means, the customer and advertisers can benefit from it. Customers can benefit from the high user value of the product because they can easily affix it anywhere on refrigerators, study tables, work cubicles, and etc. When brands offer personalized magnetic calendars to customers, they are not only doing brand promotion, but also offering a high value product to customers. A calendar is referred on large scale by customers, and each time they see it brand consciousness develops within them.

Offers Ample Promotional Space -Customized calendar magnets are created wide enough to incorporate regular brand messages and date information. Manufactured in multiple shapes, sizes and patterns, they can add credibility to any campaign. Also, such branded magnetic calendars can be used by small and large type of businesses to address target their customers. In local communities, these magnets will help people to seek plumbing, electrical works, attorneys, cleaning agents, real estate agents and etc.

Offers High Visibility Against All Odds – These products help to keep information in sight. The visibility of calendar magnets is great compared to many other personalized promotional products. Usability of this magnet adds to its visibility and leads to improved brand performance. It cannot miss a viewer’s attention due to the importance of information imprinted against it.

Dynamism -Magnetic calendar is not a single-faced product. The same product, when designed for different campaigns can differ in shape and choice of information; though the basic use of calendar remains the same. For example, when designed as school calendars they are destined to project school holiday’s schedule, team schedules, testing schedules and etc. Similarly when designed as church calendars, they contain information about important church dates.

All those advertisers who are still wary of utilizing a calendar magnet for promotional purposes can give it a try and seek benefits from it.
