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* In the contiguous USA & Excludes large magnetic signs.

Business cards are utilized for announcing - 

  • Brand information
  • Social Status
  • Build long lasting business

Clip Magnets


Until some years ago these custom business cards were printed on weightless papers to save printing and marketing costs. Today, the times have changed and companies opt to print them on magnets.

One may ask when I have options for paper prints, then why should custom magnetic business cards be given a thought. Here are the five reasons, which you should seriously consider prior to gifting custom business card magnets instead of paper printed ones –

1. Outlasts paper – This is one of the major arguments, which work in favor of custom business card magnets. The paper cards get old and tear up after some time or most of them end up in waste bins because people find them clumsy. However, the same people will think twice before throwing away a magnetic business card because it can be affixed to any surface and also it outlasts paper in terms of durability and freshness. 

2. Creates distinct Impression – It is believed that magnets were first discovered by a Greek man called Magnus around 2000 BC , since then it has continued to faze us with its “sticking” property. Some historical references suggest that magnets belong to the league of those blessed items, which are always considered novel under all circumstances. Even to this day any item involving magnet – be it a toy or promotional gift is always considered novel. You can always rely on them for creating a distinct a brand image than regular promotional items. Also, the customers will feel special when offered a custom business card magnet. 

3. Visibility and Utility –Most of us are habitual of sticking the magnetic materials on sides of table or any metallic surface, which can hold them. Similarly their attraction will always tie you down and knowingly or unknowingly one would reach for the table side or any other metallic surface where they can affix these magnets. Therefore, you can use it as an element of joy and also as a token of long lasting business relationship. The brand image of a business concern will be slowly mapped into the customer’s mind the each time they see it.  

4. Affordability – Magnets offer better price value than paper.  In reality you can see that magnets offers huge favor in return of investment that you make. They remain in utility unless and until one decides to literally throw them out, but that happen very rarely.  However, most of the times traditional business cards end up in trash bin. 

5. Surprise – As, indicated before the surprise element in magnet never ceases to amaze us. A business partner or customer will be definitely delighted when gifted with a business card magnet and in this manner you can create a very unique and favorable business proposition for the company. 

In this current business scenario, differentiation is the only key to success (especially in the saturated and highly competitive markets) and you can gain that differentiable edge over the others by handing over business card magnets.
