Free shipping is back on all custom magnets. Use CouponFREESHIP2025
* In the contiguous USA & Excludes large magnetic signs.

Save the date magnets may be unusual for promoting your brands and messages, but they will definitely help to ease the route towards recognition. As, the name suggests these magnets help in memorizing dates and building the brand. Generally these magnets are used for announcing wedding, or some other important personal achievements. Save the date memorabilia is always favored by people because of the sentimental elements incorporated within them. This means there is no harm in using save the date magnets for business promotions!

They are offered in various types and sizes depending on the customer choices. Businessmen can pursue some themes such as – 

Classic save the date magnet – They make a best choice against all odds and advertisers can always work out their way to make their promotional token iconic and interesting.
Large sized save the date magnet – This type of magnets suit advertisers who wish to be seen easily with fewer efforts.
Mini sized save the date magnet – It suits advertisers working in low budget. It helps them to grab a few glances, without much investment.
Photo booth magnet – This makes a wonderful choice for those advertisers who wish to seal their achievements in nostalgic format.
Save the date announcement magnet – This makes a very apt choice for advertisers of all genres because it helps them to make the announcements clean and clear.

All these magnets are specifically designed for announcing wedding dates, but they can be customized to suit the business requirements. These magnets can be offered as a brand token during some special occasions or during the business meets or along with product purchases. People who receive it as a gift will definitely look up to it and encapsulate some information about the brand.

Today, advertisers use several brand promotional products, but very few of them can match the charisma rendered by save the date magnets. These magnets allow advertisers to test their creativity and also they offer high visibility against any surface where they are attached. This makes save the dates more desirable and appealing than any other promotional tool!.

Final Thought -The psychological benefit behind emotionally move promotional products is that the same level of attachment can be rubbed on to the brand, which gifts such products with promotional logos or messages imprinted against them.
