5 Solid Reasons Why Business Card Magnets Matter A Lot in Marketing
- Posted by Cmagnets
- Posted on May 25, 2018
- Business Card Magnets
Brand promotions is a different ball game altogether as it requires marketers to prop up their marketing message all the while managing to stay within their budget. This is where business card magnets assume a lot of importance. it will make your first handshake extra special as it gives your customers a special reason to remember your brand in the form of these business cards that will always remain in front of their eyes. Business card magnets make a smarter way to introduce your brand to new customers as they never get misplaced or trashed unlike their old school counterparts of paper business cards.
Here are some unbeatable reasons why you should seriously consider including business card magnets in your marketing mix.
Always in trend: Business card magnets look fresh as new even after years of use and will remain safe on the fridge doors and filing cabinets of your audience without getting trashed. These full color magnets will double up as a fridge décor or even a safe hold up for the little reminders and shopping lists of your customers.
More value for money: Though business card magnets may cost you a little more than paper cards, they last a life time and make consistent brand impressions to ensure a high ROI for the marketers. Magnetic business cards enhance your brand exposure and goodwill and will continue to work for your brand without any repeat investment or effort. Business card magnets ensure the best value for your investment and will keep your brand ahead in the highly competitive business world for a long time.
Make consistent brand Impressions – These crowd-pleasing magnets will make heads turn easily and will grab easy attention of even a casual observer. Business card magnets also make great talking topics in the social circles of your recipients, thereby triggering word of mouth publicity.
Create surprise: These full color business cards will create joy and an element of surprise in the minds of your audience. You can include these in your business mailers to increase the chances of your mailers getting opened or hand out in tradeshows to send home the attendees with your brand. These custom magnets not just offer a valuable piece of information to your customers but will let your brand make its way to the high traffic zones at homes and businesses. Business card magnets are offered in various interesting models like sports schedule magnets or calendar magnets among others. Customize it with your message and greetings in such a way that your audience will feel truly special and appreciated whenever they see these creative business cards.
Remains at easy access: Every time your customers need your services or products, they will know where to find you. While paper business cards get shoved into the wallets or closets, never to found again, business card magnets will always remain right in the eye span of the audience whenever they need to find your contact details. The best part is that every time they open the fridge doors they will get engaged with your brand in a subtle manner. The more they see your message the more will be their brand recall.
If you want to take your branding to the next level, it is high time that you make custom business card magnets part of your marketing swag. If you have already used these in your promotions, do share your thoughts and experiences of using it in your brand promotions with us.
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