Calendar Magnets

Top Tips To Make Your Custom Calendar Magnets Popular

Real Estate Calendar Magnets 20 Mil

Every year offers a new opportunity to boost your branding with magnetic calendars. Available in a wide range of shapes and sizes, these full color magnets ensure great promotional value by keeping your name in front of your clients for a whole year. Any business niche can utilize custom calendar magnets to get across their […]

Why Calendar Magnets Help You Stay In Front Of Clients In The New Year- Ask The Experts

Magnetic Refrigerator Calendars Magnets 20 Mil Round Corners

As we are only a few days into the New Year, it is a great time for businesses to think about getting their name in front of all your past clients and new prospects. If you are looking for a budget friendly and popular handout to build your brand, magnetic calendars will make a great […]

Top Trends in Custom Calendar Refrigerator Magnets Just in Time for New Year

House Shaped Calendar Magnets 20 Mil

Reports show that most people like to receive calendar refrigerator magnets as promotional gifts as these are highly practical.  Highly affordable and incredibly useful in everyday lives, custom calendar magnets will make a great promotional item to boost your visibility and brand reach. Calendar magnets are one of the most effective marketing tools that have […]

How Realtors Can Use Calendar Magnets In Their Promotions

House Shaped Calendar Magnets 20 Mil

Calendar magnets have long been a standard of real estate marketing. Whether it is as end of the year giveaways, New Year handouts or mailer items, calendar magnets make great handouts  during the holidays. What makes calendars so very popular? Firstly magnetic calendars are useful for the prospects to stay on top of their days […]

Put A New Calendar Plus Your Logo On Every Refrigerator With Custom  Calendar Magnets


Every business may wish to  put their message on a massive billboard in the high traffic areas of their city. But not every marketer may have a big promotional budget for that. So, if you have been looking for a budget friendly way to get your message well noticed, check out these high visibility, full […]

Custom Calendar Magnets- Brand Promotion For A Whole Year At One Time Investment


If you are looking for a custom gift that ensures 365 days of brand promotion at one time investment, look no further than custom magnets. These full color, attractive calendar magnets make an excellent way to get across your message as everyone will be gazing at these calendars quite often until the year is over. […]

Different Ways How Custom Calendar Magnets Influence Your Prospects

Refrigerator Calendar Magnets 20 Mil Round Corners

Calendar magnets make a great reference item for your prospects while it makes a glaring billboard for you for a whole year. Interestingly calendar magnets are not just an easy way to keep track of the happenings of the year but a perfect way to keep your business message front and center of your audience. […]

Custom Calendar Magnets – Your Annual Marketing Plan At Easy Budget


Promotional calendar magnets are not just decorative pieces for fridge doors and filing cabinets but a handy reference item for your audience. These full color magnets create a long lasting impression than most other logo items. It has now become a trend where everyone desires to have a calendar as a New Year gift, thanks […]

Have You Ordered Calendar Magnets 2021 Yet?


Calendars evoke a feeling of excitement and anticipation and gifting new calendars will continue to be a well cherished tradition even in this robotic age! It is yet again time for businesses to order the perfect promotional gift to market their business through 2021 promotional calendar magnets.  Advertising forms the bedrock upon which successful businesses […]

Custom  Calendar Magnets-  Make  Brand Impressions All Year Round


Calendars have always been part of the change of months and change of year for all of us even in this digital age.  Calendar magnets enhance the experience, fun and anticipation of your prospects  as they walk through the entire year, events, holidays and other milestones. Calendar magnets are a great way to put your […]