Custom Car Magnets

What Is The Difference  between Custom Car Magnets And Magnetic Signs?

Sports Schedule Baseball Shape Magnets 25 Mil

Have you been wondering if there can be any difference between car magnets and car magnetic signs? This post has got you covered. Let’s get started with some similarities of car magnets and car magnetic signs. Both these types of magnets are designed to stay safe on a moving car and withstand outdoor elements. UV […]

Customization Tips For Car Magnets – Must Read

Ball Shaped Magnets - Outdoor & Car Magnets 35 Mil

Car magnets hold a lot of potential in making your brand popular and making new leads. Offered in countless models and price rates, custom car magnets will put your brand on the move and make your promotional dollars work more for you. However, to get the most of car magnets, make sure you get the […]

Top Customization Tips For Promotional Car Magnets- Must Read

Square with Heart Corner Shape Magnets - Outdoor & Car Magnets 35 Mil

Have you ever wondered what makes custom magnets popular? Not all of them end up as souvenirs or crowd favorites! So, what is it that makes promotional magnets successful?  Before putting in your promotional dime on custom magnets, spare a thought at some of these sure fire tips that will make your business magnets a […]

Custom Car Magnetic Signs – Versatile Marketing Tools  That Never Fail

Car Sign Bumper Shape Magnets

Car magnetic signs are loud and attention grabbing! The best part – you don’t need to have an impressive company fleet to tap the promotional potential of these logo items. You can use these  colorful, magnets on the vehicles that you and your employees use to get around town, or  on your personal vehicle to […]

Create Your Own Custom Car Magnets and Clock More Advertising Opportunities 

Outdoor & Car Magnets 35 Mil Square Corners

Car magnets are the best and most cost effective way to get your message across and add a fun twist to your outdoor promotions. Designed to stick firmly even on a speeding car,  these thick and sturdy magnets with 25-30 mil thickness make a great handout to reach out to the outdoorsy clients. A trendy […]

Drum Up Support For Your Cause With  Custom Car Magnets

Custom Paw Shape Magnets - Outdoor & Car Magnets 35 Mil

Outdoor campaigns and publicity will make a great way to reach out to your audience, make new leads and get your message well heard. Outdoor campaigns are especially useful for non profits and charity organizations that depend on donations and sponsorships than other businesses. Why Car Magnets? Let’s be frank about it! Americans spend a […]

Oval Shaped Car Magnets – The Best Way To Round Off Your Outdoor Promotions


Oval car magnets are unique promotional items that will set you apart from the rest of the players. If you have some unique like oval shaped magnet as your sign, people are more likely to remember your message. So, if you haven’t tried advertising your business with oval car magnets you don’t know what you’re […]

Custom Car Magnets As Sports Clubs Souvenir

5x3 Custom Oval Magnet

Sports clubs often need a fun way to promote their services. Catering mostly to a youth audience, sports clubs need to look beyond the plain and old fashioned promotional methods. This is what made them think of these brilliantly colored car magnets as their custom items. These made in USA, full color magnets make a […]

Custom Vehicle Magnets for Home Delivery Pharmacies

12x18 Custom Health Magnetic Car Signs Magnets - Outdoor & Car Magnets 30 Mil

Pharmacies are one of the core and competitive businesses in the United States. Though home delivery services has increased exponentially over the years, there is still scope for growth because everyone , including ambulatory disability population and people aged 65 years depends on the medication and supplies delivered at their door steps, to ensure their […]

Top Reasons How Branded Vehicles Increase Profits!

Paw Shape Magnets - Outdoor & Car Magnets 35 Mil

Did you know that branding your company vehicle will help you increase your brand visibility and reach among your targeted audience? Outdoor car magnets will make a powerful yet budget friendly brand marketing tool. Still on fence? Here are some unbeatable benefits of marketing your business with custom vehicle magnets #1 Branded vehicles make your […]