End Of Year Promotion Ideas That Will Help You Meet Your Targets
End of the year promotions will keep the till ringing right into the New Year, and help you to make memories of a great business year. Year-end sale is a clever way to leave behind some memorable shopping experiences for your clients as well. But how do you pull off a year end sale that is worth remembering?
Here are a few ideas that will get your gray matter up and ticking!
Small or big, all businesses can think of handing out some gift cards to their customers. Why because as much as 65% of gift card holders go on to spend much more than what they have on the card. It makes a lot of difference considering the fact that over 93% of Americans have either given or sent a gift card!
Shopping is exhausting, especially in the busy holiday season. Make your customers relaxed by offering refreshments and a nice quiet place to sit down and relax. The more your prospects remain in the store the more likely they are to make a purchase.
Make sure that your bargain sales is short so that it doesn’t eat into your profits and leave you with a lighter wallet at the end of all these hullaballoo. Time the event in such a way that it piques interest of the shoppers and get just enough of them into your stores. You can keep the big bargain sale for just an hour or two so that everyone on the street cannot expect a big bargain all through the day!
You can handout some colorful brochures to people on the local high street. It will help you get noticed in the very crowded market. Spread the word of your discount offers and the holiday deals to get more people into your stores.
Free gifts are the trump cards in any holiday promotion. Think of useful and interesting promotional handouts that are imprinted with your brand and message . Custom refrigerator magnets will make a clever giveaway to get your message out in a fun way.
Your recipients will love to stick these vibrant, full color magnets on their fridge doors or filing cabinets and every time they see these colorful billboards, they will be reminded of your business and services. Choose from a wide range of interesting models like Shaped magnets that will get all eyes on your message while calendar magnets make a perfect New Year custom handout that keeps your brand on display for 365 days.
You can even think of discount coupons or a free gift with every purchase over a certain amount. No matter how you wish to employ free gifts, these will make a solid reason for your customers to drop into your stores!
Contests are one of the most engaging forms of marketing that will capture your audience’s attention easily. It is a brilliant opportunity for you to familiarize a wider group of people with your brand and services. Make sure to announce prizes for the winners to make it all the more special.
Holiday is all about fun and revelry. Offer something memorable to take back home for the boisterous crowd. Hold a New Year contest, caption or photo contest, song and dance or live entertainment. Your team dressed up in holiday themed apparels can distribute free giveaways to complete the fun. It will give a great opportunity for the shoppers to click some snapshots and share these in social media as well.
Whether it is Winter Solstice, changing the clocks or First Snow- all these events can be tagged to your product line to give it a seasonal flavor and party vibes.
While you send greeting cards for your business partners and regular clients, think beyond a hackneyed “Thank you for your patronage” message; give something special and more interesting. A festive Christmas announcement magnet along with your message as mailer gifts will leave your recipients pleasantly surprised.
You can also think of sharing interesting holiday tips and trivia. For instance, if you have a restaurant, you can share some recipes of the most trending holiday favorites. Your customers will find it useful even if they don’t dine at your restaurant.
Are you a travel agent? You can send a greeting card with links for flight tracking, driving directions or tourist attractions of the season. Your recipients will take note of this friendly act even if they didn’t purchase tickets from you.
A flash sale will trigger a flurry of activity and a high sales pitch, which in turn will create renewed interest among your audience. This limited time offer will drive impulse purchases as customers will prefer to buy immediately as they do not want to miss out. It is a good marketing tactic to sell off surplus goods and out of season stock that is taking up a lot of storage space.
Holiday coupons, free subscription to newsletters and forward to friend offer- Thinks of offers and deals that customers will find special and useful.
These are some hints that will get you covered in making your end of the year sales not just interesting but successful as well. Did you find this post informative? Be the first to share it and spread the word.
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