How Custom Real Estate Magnets Can Elevate Your Marketing Strategy

If you think you have ran out of promotional ideas to promote your real estate business, check out these full color real estate magnets for sure. These little wonders offer many benefits that can take your brand to the next level; and offer tangibility and visibility for your successful marketing campaign.

Real estate magnets occupy the premium real estate of fridge doors and filing cabinets in homes and offices; where your  brand is seen daily. This means that when someone is ready to buy their first home or make a move, your name will obviously be the first that comes to their mind. Budget friendly, portable, and easy to distribute, these custom magnets will spread the word on the go and will ensure a great advantage in standing out of the race.

Realtor magnets are effective

Let’s be frank about it! Realtor magnets can indeed be an effective tool for promoting a real estate business.  Unlike business cards that your clients may discard or misplace; these high visibility magnets will keep your logo and message in plain sight of the clients for a long time. It will thus make your real estate company popular and serve as a constant reminder of your  services.  You can even choose house shaped magnets that will convey your message in a glimpse . These cute house-shaped fridge magnets are hard to overlook. Moreover, it will even encourage the clients to follow their dream of owning a home, every time they see your logo and contact information.

Get word of mouth referrals

Real estate magnets can indeed help you to increase brand awareness by providing a tangible brand token that they will cherish and talk about

Types of Real Estate Marketing Magnets

Besides, real estate marketing magnets are also available in various types including indoor magnets and outdoor car magnets. In addition, you can choose from a wide range of models like business card magnets, calendar magnets , picture frame magnets, house shaped magnets and a lot more to drive home your message.

Business Card Magnets: Make sure that your contact information remain on top of their minds by handing them business card magnets. Moreover, you can hand it out to the potential clients during open house events, property expos etc; or send it along marketing materials. No matter how you choose to distribute these magnetic  business cards; your message will surely get a lot of attention.

Calendar Magnets: Offer the double goodness of a calendar for a whole year and your business reminder with calendar magnets. Not many custom giveaways can ensure 365 days of  brand promotions at one time cost. Get it to believe it!

House-Shaped Magnets: These magnets will surely grab easy attention for its shape that complements your business. Obviously, there cant be a better way to talk about your realtor business! Customize  it with your logo and message to make it as unique as your brand. Besides, these eye catchy magnets will even make a great talking topic; among the friends and family of your primary recipients.

 Real estate outdoor car magnets: Real estate professionals that wish to take their message outdoors  can opt for these full color magnets that reflect their unique style of  branding. Outdoor safe and attention grabbing, these magnets will literally make leads on the wheels.

Sold sign magnets: Highlight your sales figures and your reliability in the field with these sold sign magnets that will surely make people stop on their tracks. Enhance your local brand presence and highlight your impressive track record without being overwhelming with these full color magnets

Informational Magnets:  Realtor magnets can also be imprinted with helpful information for homeowners, such as maintenance tips or local resources to make it more useful and value added. It will enhance the retention of the magnets as well.

These are only a few of the many real estate magnets that you can use. So, what are you waiting for? Exploit the potential of these magnets to promote your services.

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