Boost Your School’s Profile with School Magnets
- Posted by Cmagnets
- Posted on November 24, 2015
- School Magnets
Advertising schools have never been so competitive and enrolling students to your school is critical to the existence of your business. Without students, your school will not be a successful business. Do you know that according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s projection, the population will grow by 28.9 million or by 45.8% between 2000 and 2030. Can you imagine that you can get a portion of that market when you are able to get their attention? Every school, including yours, should target to have an increase of students yearly so that it can make an impact in the community and an impact in the school’s income.
There are definitely some fantastic schools in the community and that would include yours but if no one is aware of it then how can your school grow in numbers and develop further? Promoting your school to parents and local community is essential. Letting everyone know your school’s achievements will surely put you in the limelight but because competition is very tough, it gets lost in crowd. Here at, we aim to give you an easy to implement and practical solution that will help boost the profile of your school in your community.We have our School Magnetsto solve that problem.
Remember that a school is recognized or remembered by its achievements and how it is being perceived in the community. Establishing a positive image for your school will attract prospective parents and students. Mostly all marketers will have great ideas on how they should market their business or services but usually they get stuck on how to put the idea into action. Now, this is where our custom magnet comes into play. When you market your school it means you need to attract students and parents and by handing out our school magnets you are inviting them in. With these custom magnets, it will help your school retain the parent’s loyalty and support because they will be constantly reminded every time they see these custom magnets on their refrigerator doors. Every school will always have their own strong fundamentals and cultures and you can showcase that as well through our custom magnets.
We have a few categories under our school magnets and it is listed below.
- School Contact Magnets – If you want to invest in a promotional magnet where you want to put only the school’s contact information, this custom magnet is the right one. Very simple yet a very effective promotional tool.
- School Schedules Calendar Magnets and School Academic Year Calendar Magnets – Other ways to keep connected with parents as well as with students are through these custom magnets. These calendar magnets will be in the refrigerator doors of parents and students for 365 days.You can use these custom magnets as reminders like for example when there is no school on a certain day or schedule of school activities.
- Day Care Center Business Card Magnets – This custom magnet is specifically made for Day Care Centers. You do not necessarily have to huge budget when promoting your business. This custom magnet is very affordable and you can even get discounts when you order it in bulk.
- Elementary School Calendar Magnets and High School Calendar Magnets– These are magnets made specifically to cater to elementary or high schools. You can imprint any information you want since it can be customized for free and choose the colors you want to make this custom magnet really your own.
- School Sports Schedule Magnets – Our design team came up with this type of magnet to show support to their local sports team. This is the perfect investment especially when you want to encourage the team players, their parents and the whole school to support the sports team. The school can hand this out to parents during the parents and teachers meeting or just have it randomly handed out in the hallway to students passing by. When parents and students see that their own school is supporting their sports team, the school will gain their loyalty and support.
- School Bus Magnets–This custom magnet can be handed out before the school year starts. With its unique shape, you can easily gather the people’s attention.
We assure you that all of our custom magnets are worth every penny you spend. These custom magnets will give you a lifelong advertisement. So make this day count by purchasing any of our magnets right now.
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